FVB - Face Vocal Band
FVB stands for Face Vocal Band
Here you will find, what does FVB stand for in Music under Entertainment category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Face Vocal Band? Face Vocal Band can be abbreviated as FVB What does FVB stand for? FVB stands for Face Vocal Band. What does Face Vocal Band mean?Face Vocal Band is an expansion of FVB
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Alternative definitions of FVB
- First Virginia Banks, Inc.
- First Volunteer Bank
- First Volunteer Bank
- Fox Valley Broadcasting
- Fountain Valley Bodyworks
- Fisher Venture Builder
- Follett Virtual Bookstores
View 13 other definitions of FVB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FPC Focus Pos California
- FWG Furniture Wholesale Group
- FAM Fintech Association of Malaysia
- FCA Fidelity Consulting Ab
- FMS Food Management Search
- FFPI Freedom From Pain Institute
- FAPL The Flagship Advertising Pvt Ltd
- FFP Fishers Farm Park
- FFL Fusion Forensics Ltd
- FC The Foundry Church
- FICI Florida Insurance Center Inc
- FPPD Franklin Park Park District
- FPWD From Poland With Dev
- FWL Fabs World Limited
- FLF First Liberties Financial
- FR Flying b Ranch
- FPT Foundation Physical Therapy
- FBA Falks Broker Ab
- FMI Facility Management Inc.
- FTDL Fork Truck Direct Ltd